Attention girls! You have 37% chance of getting gastric ulcer!

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Gastric ulcer is an inflammation caused by hyperacidity in the stomach which burns the stomach inner wall and membranes. These ulcers usually occur in the first part of the small intestine that leads out of the stomach (duodenum). Gastric ulcer may be caused by an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori). Normally, bacterial infection alone cannot cause a gastric ulcer but together with other contributing factors such as stress, eating habit and genetic contributions, the infection may be severe enough to cause one. Unfortunately, sometimes the body does not give us any warning signs.

Attention girls! You have 37% chance of getting gastric ulcer!

Red flags for gastric ulcer.
The disease may depict symptoms of mild or severe ache in the abdominal area which would start 45-60 minutes after eating or during the night. The sensation you get might feel like hunger pain. You may also have dark or bloody stool, lower back pain, nausea, vomiting and headache.

The treatment focuses on neutralizing or diluting the acidity of the gastric juice along with treating the H.pylori infection. The infection may be caused by low secretion of gastric juice or low antioxidant in the stomach linings.

Attention girls! You have 37% chance of getting gastric ulcer!

Taking care of yourself
Fine chew your food to help the digestive function. Relax and calm the mind. Manage your stress because stress is a contributing factor to gastric ulcer.

Consult your doctor when you:
1. have severe stomach pain
2. have bloody stool or find coffee-bean like sediments in the stool
3. vomit blood

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