5 ways to beat your allergy. Be the new you for the New Year!

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Allergy is common in both children and adults. It can be triggered when you are exposed to allergens and it is always annoying. So, let’s get to know what allergy is so that you can avoid it.

5 ways to beat your allergy. Be the new you for the New Year!

Symptoms of allergy may include sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes or skin rash. These harmless symptoms may, however, develop into some serious illnesses such as:
• Migraine. Migraine is often triggered by dairy product, wheat flour, chocolate, egg or citrus.
• Arthritis. People suffering from arthritis are usually sensitive to potato, tomato, eggplant, guinea pepper and goat pepper. Some improves when these ingredients are avoided.
• Problems with the digestive system including flatulence, diarrhea, constipation and fungal (Candida) infection of the skin
• Skin problems
• Chronic fatigue syndrome
• Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which may cause diarrhea and cramps. These problems are found to be associated with stress and allergy.

Symptoms of allergy show when you are exposed to the substance you are allergic to. These are called ‘allergens’ and can be exposed to you by 1 of these 3 following ways.
1. By eating the substance you are sensitive to, such as, seafood and fish sauce.
2. By breathing in allergens, such as, pollens and dust.
3. By touching the allergens. Some people have very sensitive skin and reacts badly when exposed to allergens, such as, dish washing liquid, detergent and jewelry.

In order to prevent allergy, we must avoid contact with allergens. However, if you do not know what you are allergic to, try noticing if you develop any allergic reaction immediately or within 48 hours after contact or consumption of the substance and if you do, avoid that substance for it might be the allergen. Common allergens are for example, chocolate, milk, butter, egg, seafood, wheat flour, gluten, barley, food color or flavor and peanut butter.

When you know what you are allergic to, avoid touching or eating that specific food. You may also take vitamin C supplement to relieve allergic reaction because vitamin C reduces the level of histamine, a natural substance released by the body during allergy.

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