Work out at work

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Exercising may not be difficult or troublesome if we follow the exercise tips from the inspirational author and speaker Jennifer Jefferies who explains how to easily boost energy and relax the body over lunch time.

• Do an exercise
Do you know that exercise helps to reduce stress and better your wellbeing? Exercising can bring out our highest potential and better our ability in dealing with stress.

Work out

Cannot find the time to exercise? Learn these 10-minute-exercise tips from us.

1. Wall push-ups
Face a wall, standing about an arm's length away. Place your palms on the wall shoulder-width apart and your feet pressed to the floor. Keep the body straight and lower your body towards the wall. Repeat in multiple sets with 10 push-ups per set.

2. Squats
Squats help toning your thighs and hips. Stand between a table and a chair but move the chair a little away from the table. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly lower your body by pushing your hips back until your buttock touches the chair but do not sit on it. Slowly push yourself back to the starting position. Repeat in multiple sets with 10 squats per set. Squats will give you lean, toned and flexible muscles and strong bones.

3. Computer curls
You can do this exercise in front of the TV or while working at a computer by using dumbbells or weighted bottles. Starting in a seated position or standing straight, keep your elbows next to your torso as you bend your elbows and curl the weight up toward your shoulders. Make sure your forehands always face your shoulders and use small weight at the beginning. Repeat in multiple sets for 5 minutes to tone your muscles and relax your shoulders from working at a computer.

Keep in mind that the quality is more important than quantity when exercising. Too much exercise can damage the body. In addition to exercise, always eat healthy diet, take enough rest, take up a relaxing activity and take vitamins to perfect your health.

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