Menopause and tissue dryness

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We all think we know the role estrogen plays in the female body, but when menopause rears its head, we soon begin to notice estrogen’s unseen role or “secret life”, writes Jennifer McLennan.

Women's health
Did you know that estrogen is noted for its role in tissue elasticity, thickening, and water retaining abilities? So, it would make sense that as estrogen declines after the menopause, tissues in the body such as the skin, eye, mouth, vagina and urethra lose collagen, fat, and tone

Menopause and tissue dryness

Loss of moisture and tone in the vagina and the vulva can be uncomfortable and irritating after the menopause. Burning and dryness can be a problem in as many as 40% of women after menopause, as the vagina can become shorter and narrower, its walls thinner, and the mucus producing glands that help with lubrication shrink. This affects daily comfort, sexual response, and quality of intercourse. Infections can also become more common, as pH levels change. The following tips may help:

- Try a natural lubricant to improve moisture and elasticity in the vagina. This will decrease irritation and improve the quality of your sex life.
- Tackle your stress levels by incorporating some of your favorite stress-busting activities. This will allow your libido time to shine. Low stress will also help your immune system.
- Drink plenty of water; this will keep the tissues hydrated.

Urine exits through the tube called the urethra. This tube is also sensitive to the decline of estrogen after menopause. Loss of tone in pelvic floor muscles and in the urethra may result in an increase in bladder infections, incontinence, and difficulty holding urine with a full bladder. Try the following:

- Take a cranberry supplement or drink cranberry juice daily, as it may help prevent urinary tract infections.
- Pelvic floor exercises improve tone and help prevent incontinence by strengthening the muscles around the urethra, therefore decreasing the chances of little mishaps.

Menopause and tissue dryness

Like other tissues, the skin is dependent on estrogen to retain moisture, elasticity and tone. The skin can begin to feel and look dryer, thinner and appear to have more wrinkles. Don’t despair - here are some tips and tricks that can help your skin look and feel young and healthy:

- Supplement with evening primrose oil as it is high in omega-6 essential fatty acids which are needed for healthy skin
- Glycosaminoglycans & proteoglycans เป็นสารที่มีอยู่ในเนื้อเยื่อผิวหนัง ซึ่งมันช่วยในด้านความชุ่ม Glycosaminoglycans & proteoglycans are substances that are present in the matrix of the skin where they facilitate hydration. Age related changes in these substances result in fine lines and wrinkles. Look out for a good supplement that contains these important nutrients.
- Exercise increases circulation to the skin, providing nutrients and facilitating the removal of byproducts. Do 20 minutes of cardio at least 3 times a week for best results.

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